


Treesssa's the bomb, baby!
2004-09-20, 9:32 p.m.

Treesssa is the greatest. She gots my diary all cool looking for me. Now, if I was a technogoddess like she is, you would be able to click on her name & go to her site, but I suck at this stuff. One day maybe.

Soooooo, nothing really funny in the ED room today. Actually, the day started horribly. They did a tribute on the morning announcements for a 16 year old who died in a car accident at the beginning of the summer. Actually, the tribute wasn't horrible. It was really beautiful. But a girl in my first block class was a good friend of hers and it was really hard on her. Then, to make things just lovely, another girl started laughing during the minute of silence in honor of the young girl. Well, that didn't go over too well. There's another tribute on Wednesday for a young man, I think he was 16 as well, who died in a car accident at the end of the summer. Yikes. This is just so depressing.

Ok, let me try to think of something funny that happened today. Oh, ok. There's this girl in class, I'll call her Marie, although her real name is really funny, but I'll change it to protect the idiotic. She went on this little rant today about how some people stink. I had to keep shushing her, but every once in awhile she'd impart some tidbit of information on the class. Some of her finer moments:

"Maybe they ran out of deodorant. I run out of deodorant sometimes, but I borrow my sister's."

"Some people don't use soap when they clean. They just don't know better I guess. You gotta lift those legs when you wash, people."

"The weight room smells like ass. I don't think them people in there know that. But it does."

She's a trip. I have a lot of really funny stories about her, but sometimes you just have to know the person to realize why certain stories are so hilarious.

Oh, I joined the YMCA two weeks ago. Actually, my mom worked out a deal w/ me where I'll clean her house twice a month & she'll pay for the membership. I'm not sure who's making out on this one. A Y membership is $72, and I know cleaning services charge more than that. But her house is always really clean, so it's not going to take hardly any time to clean it. I guess we both made out. It's pretty cool. I did the little workout thing twice last week. You log into the computer before your workout and then you log out when you're done. It tells you how much weight you lifted. Last week I lifted 14,000+ pounds. Cool, huh? I'm a he-woman! Luckily, the weight room at the Y doesn't smell like ass.

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