


The beginning....
2004-04-18, 6:30 p.m.

Ok, so my friend Treessa has an online diary that makes me laugh my butt off. I figured wow, what a cathartic way to blow off steam and get any stress out of your system. Plus, sometimes things just happen in life that are so funny you feel compelled to share them with complete strangers. What a great idea! I think I'll do it! So I did it. And guess what? I have absolutely no idea how to start or what to say. Also, I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. I'm thinking these are probably not good for an online diary! I guess I'll just start with an update on my life. This shouldn't take long :P! I'm 36, married to Alan, and I have a 9 year old daughter named Amanda who is the best thing that ever happened to me. I tend to husband-bash, but we're coming up on our 10th anniversary and since I can't be sainted for not killing him, I'll bash instead. I work at the same high school I graduated from, with emotionally disturbed kids, which is pretty much the same type of kid I hung out with when I went to school there! I have two dogs, a terrier/gremlin mix named Mazzy and a toy rat terrier named Diesel. I have no idea why I have terriers, since I think they're all born with brain damage. Mazzy was adopted from a shelter in Georgia. She is one of the ugliest dogs I have ever seen. Diesel is insane and destructive. Luckily, he's extremely cute which is the only reason he's still living. We also have two hamsters, Shakespeare and Funky Butt. Don't ask. We call him Fubu for short. I have recently been nailed w/ a ton of drama in my life, which is pretty much the main reason I started this. My dad has melanoma. They've operated several times, but it's back for a third time and they're not going to operate any more. He just turned 60. He's an awesome man, teaches 8th grade. Sigh. My dad's mother, my 'Mamaw', broke her ankle last week when my 14 year old cousin, who has Down's Syndrome, got pissed at her and pushed her. On her 81st birthday. That sucks, big time. We're trying to find a new place for her to live, instead of with my cousin and his alcoholic, worthless father. Oh, and my other grandmother just died Friday. Ok, I think I just learned another thing that's not really good for online diaries. Don't depress them so much they never come back. I'll work on that one! Well, my family is back from bike riding so I guess I'll get them fed and begin the incredible, nearly impossible task of getting my child into the shower. Thanks for reading!

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