
cindy - 2004-10-28 23:56:21
dland eats my entries all the time. it's not your fault, you aren't doing anything wrong. sometimes dland just sucks big hairy ass. after you type your entry, go up to edit and selct all then copy what you've typed so that if dland decides to eat your entry you have it copied and then all you have to do is paste it back in. i'm sorry you're feeling so down. i'm thinking of you and i hope things are getting better soon. ((hugs)) ~ cindy
nancy - 2004-10-29 05:32:31
thats why i type my entry on my word processing application, and copy and paste. it sucks to lose it.... and my dog once at my sons ENTIRE bag of halloween candy, with most of the wrappers. ohh she sure regretted it for the next couple of days. lol
treesssa - 2004-10-29 08:04:11
Yeah, what they said. And GWAR..... EEEEEEEK!!I had no idea they were still around!Yeah, from what i understand all that peepee and blood stuff is all fake. LOL Gwar!I forgot about them.
Amber - 2004-10-29 13:43:59
It always seems like the greatest entries never want to post! If it makes you feel any better I'm having one of those kinds of days too. *hugs*

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