
cindy - 2004-11-01 19:42:34
she looks absolutely gorgeous, and spooky and scary and stuff. lol she actually does look a bit scary in that second picture. i kind of miss trick-or-treating in a weird, i could buy the candy but getting it free is kind of a strange excitement. anyway, so i'm crossing my fingers for you to not get sick. i know how you feel, working retail is like begging people to breath their germs on you. stay home people! keep your cooties to yourself!
Blue - 2004-11-01 20:12:29
Not only does she look FABULOUS. she looks about 27 yrs old!!! And you said MY girl should stop looking so old??!! LOL Also, bein' as we is Canajun and have universal free health care (well..mostly) Jenny and I got our flu shots today. We are psychically sending you go-away-germ-juju. Stay strong!
Beth - 2004-11-02 08:56:11
Wow, she looks great! Very scary. Why do parents send their kids to school if they're sick? Jeez. Echinacea, girl!
treesssa - 2004-11-02 11:24:23
She looked great!! Love the amulet and staff!
Fuzzmom - 2004-11-02 23:30:18
Your ghoul looked faboo! And your latest comment made me laugh until I cried. Much juju coming your way.
Amber - 2004-11-03 13:57:06
Awesome costume, she's so pretty! Icky about the germ ridden kid! Hope you don't get what he's got. *hugs*

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