
Amanda - 2005-08-27 00:59:51
OMG, I was SO far behind on reading you. I didn't know you were with Bob or the other uptight guy. I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! YAY!! Totally great that you are with a guy that makes you laught. My thing is I want to be with the one that makes me laugh and I am most comfortable with. Sounds like you got a good one, I hope all goes well. On the other hand, you EX what a jerk? He should NOT be talking to a 10 year old little girl like that. Good for you for putting him in your place, and your daughter, she HAS to be listening to Mommie, because she's so very smart and incredibly sweet! Gotta go now, but thanks for the great comments you leave me!! :)
art - 2005-08-27 08:18:46
i HATE tip pooling!!! it should be banned!!! ya bust ya ass and have to share with slackers!! funny about the 21 y.o. trying to pick you up!!
Amber - 2005-08-27 13:16:07
I hope meeting the dog goes well...the first time I met my boyfriend's cat she jumped on my back! Lucky for my boyfriend I stayed with him in spite of his psycho cat (her and I get along famously now..but I'll always have that first impression). *hugs* Sorry, this comment ended up being more about me and my boyfriend's cat then you and your guy's dog.....I do hope it goes well, and if it doesn't, well then you'll still have a good story out of it. :)
reese - 2005-08-29 02:45:20
hmmm, meeting the dog for the first time. You will have to let us know how that goes. That IS a big step. Helping him unpack? That reminds me of when the hub and I first started dating. He just moved into his first apartment and he wanted me to come over to help him "paint".Needless to say, the painting didn't get done until a month or so later. I am wondering if Bob may have semi-full suitcases for a month?

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