


2004-06-07, 7:48 p.m.

Hola!! Four more days and I'm done with work for the summer!! Yee-haw!! Ok, so this is just a real quick post, 'cuz I need to get my kid out of the tub and get her butt in bed.

I went out of town this weekend w/ my mom, my aunt, her kid, and my kid. We went to some big outdoor craft show in Occoquan, VA. It's about 3 hours north of where I live. (Of course, since my mom drove it was like 5 hours north of where I live.) Never heard of the place, but evidently this craft show attracts people from all around the country.

So anyways, this year it seems it also attracted a heck of a lot of rain and some cold weather. Of course, I'm an idiot so I packed for MY weather - capris and tank tops. No coat, no umbrella. I did my child even worse - all she had were tank tops and shorts. We froze our butts off! And just to really put the icing on the cake, the freakin' crafts were really expensive.

So anyhoo (did I say this was real quick?) one vendor had this really cool mini-marshmallow shooters for $6.95 made out of PVC pipe. They were totally awesome! I'm thinking my kid and my nephews and niece would LOVE this thing, but no way am I spending $35 on PVC pipe. I'm gonna make those suckers myself!

So today I'm online at school, checking my school e-mail, when I think of those PVC things. I do a google and, sure enough, I find directions on how to make them. The instructions say you can make 4 for about $10. Am I the shiznit, or what? So I cut & paste to send a copy to myself at home. I also sent a copy back to myself at school. I'm not sure why, I just did, ok?

Well, after I send the directions I decide I want to send myself a picture, too, so I go to send a pic and, for some reason, I go into the sent copy of the e-mail I just sent. I notice where it has who I sent it that, in addition to my AOL account, it has SAB. Oh shit! SAB is the school administration building! It sent a copy to the school administration building too!! I told one of the women I work with. Stupid ass security features! She's laughing. It's no big deal, she says. I'm sure it happens a lot and they probably don't even pay attention to them.

Oh, they'll pay attention to THIS one, I tell her. You know what I put in the freakin' subject line?? SHOOTER!!

So actually, I might have even less than four days!!

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