


I'm a total slacker!
2004-06-28, 11:56 p.m.

Wow! I got a semi-bitch posting (not really) on a message board about not updating my diary. Now that I see how long it's been I should have been cyberly bitch-slapped! 'Scuse me, didn't mean to be remiss in my duties!!

Ok, so since I last posted school got out. I was so happy with myself, I didn't even cry at graduation. I'm going to miss the heck out of some of those kids, though. One in particular. And only partially because he has one of my cake pans. Only one of our seniors didn't graduate. Damn that English 12!! He SHOULD be retaking it in summer school, and then he'll graduate in August. I threatened him w/ bodily harm if I didn't get a personal invite. Now for THAT one I might cry. He's a hoot. I'll miss him. Sigh.

So I was waiting not-so-patiently for summer so I could catch up on some much needed housecleaning. I have so much crap that needs disposing of. YARD SALE! I've been out of school almost 2 1/2 weeks and I've done zip. It's been great. I shouldn't say that, though, because I DO have one bag of clothes for the yard sale. My biggest goal has been to get my daughter's room cleaned out & I just haven't had the energy.

So...what exactly HAVE I been doing? It's called Water Country, baby!! I've become addicted to a water park! We have season passes to Busch Gardens & Water Country. I love Busch Gardens, went there about 10 times last year. (Season passes rock!) But I neglected Water Country until the very end of the year. I had no idea how much fun those places are! So we've been burning up the passes. I've gotten a nice little tan to go along with it. Bonus! (Said tan received while using liberal amounts of sunblock, of course. Safety first!)

Which brings me to the biggest news of the summer. My dad has now undergone 2 rounds of experimental treatment for his melanoma. (He has a fairly large, inoperable tumor behind his heart.) The first round of treatment was extremely hard on him. They stopped it early because it was affecting his lungs/breathing. (He had part of one lung removed last year when a tumor was found there.) So....he really, really didn't want to go back for the 2nd round. My step-mom made him. She's fiesty. So he went and he says it wasn't so bad. They were able to get his nausea under control this time, which was a big plus. Well, they wouldn't scan him at all until after a second round of treatment, so he had that done last Friday. Of course, this was experimental treatment, so they really couldn't give him any specifics on what his odds were, but they did tell him similar treatments had about a 20% success rate. And the news??? A 90% overall shrinkage in the tumor! The doctors are absolutely blown away. They didn't expect anything like this. I'm thinking what the doctors don't realize is that we've basically nagged God to the point that He just said, "Ok, fine, here. Happy? Now give me a break!" We're tenacious like that :). So he's going back for more treatments in July & August. He said he might even throw in an extra dosage here & there just for good measure.

So, I think I'm just about up to date. I'll try not to get behind again. I mean, it's not like I'm rushing off to a job or anything, right? 'Til next time...

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