


Beach, baby!!
2004-07-10, 7:02 p.m.

So..... I've been spending a lot of time at the beach. I'd forgotten how much I love the beach. When I was a kid, we'd hang out all the time there. Then, when I was a teen, we'd spend the day at the beach, go home & get dolled up, then go right back to cruise the strip. Ahhh, those were the days. They have no cruising laws now. Poor kids today don't know what they're missing. I also have to pay four bucks now to park now, which really pisses me off. They used to have off street parking, so you didn't have to park in one of the lots. I live 10 minutes from the Virginia Beach line, but since I live in a neighboring city, and not VA Beach, I have to pay the same as if I lived out of the freakin' state. Never mind that I shop in Va. Beach all year round, and use the beach for 3 months a year. VA Beach residents only have to pay $1. I think they should at least offer area residents a dollar discount. I need to whine to the city gov't, I guess. That'll be a fun letter to write :)!

So, the whole fam was at the beach 4th of July weekend, which I thought would be suicide w/ all the tourists, but it wasn't bad. So Alan pinches my butt, HARD, and I hollered. Amanda says "What?". And Alan said, "I think Mr. Crabs just pinched your mom's butt." For those of you who may not know, Mr. Crabs is a pirate crab from Spongebob Squarepants. (And if you don't know who Spongebob is, well, I really feel for ya.) So Alan says Mr. Crabs pinched my butt and my kid, without missing a beat, says, "Maybe he was looking for booty." Well, I gotta tell ya, that was about the frickin' funniest thing I've heard in awhile!! That kid of mine cracks me up!!

I really haven't been up to anything other than the beach. I haven't even gone to Water Country in about 2 weeks, and that was my new favorite addiction. The big problem is that the stupid blower stopped working on my car, so I've got no A/C. Now, I could deal w/ that. I never had A/C in my cars, because I'm too poor, lol. It DOES cause a problem when it rains, though, because I can't defrost the windows and then they fog up. So that's an interesting experience. Still, though, something I can live with. But fate is a twisted bitch, doncha know, and I guess since the no a/c didn't phase me she decided to have my passenger window break. I rolled it down, it made a whacked out noise, and then it wouldn't go back up. See, I tried immediately to put it back up because . . . . it was RAINING (of course)!! Nothing can be easy, you know. Of course, it's been really hot here ever since. Two days last week it was 115 with the heat index.

On the brighter side, though, my mom is trying to sell her 2nd car. She's going to buy a PT Cruiser convertible. How sweet is that. So she's selling her VW Cabrio convertible. She lives in the sticks, though, so she asked if I would park the car at my house so more people would see it. You know, it's a real chore driving around in a convertible, but I do it for my mom. I love that freakin' car. I keep hoping someone hops the curb and smashes into my car so I can get rid of it & buy my mom's. Or they could steal it. That would be ok. They wouldn't go too far though, once they realize they have no air!!

Well, I guess I'll head to the store now. Need to rent some videos, too. I guess while I'm out I'll buy a lottery ticket so I can win & buy my mom's car. See ya!

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