


I added comments!!
2004-09-26, 11:08 p.m.

Well, TREESSSA will be so pround of me. She's been trying to teach my idiot self some basic html trickery. I'm not really getting it, but you'll notice you can (hopefully) click the link to her diary, which I've heretofore been able to do.

So, what the hell, I updated to supergold and got a comments section. And I added it on myself, I swear. No help from a typical 12 year old or anything. Now please be kind and leave a comment for me, PLEASE, because otherwise I'll be forced to make up names and comment to myself so I don't look so pathetic :D!

Ok, now that said, I need help. I mean mental help. I've mentioned my reality tv addiction, I believe. Well, Friday night I found myself watching a show on HBO called Family Bonds. It's about this bail bond family in Queens. Since I'm a big fan of Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series, and since Stephanie Plum is a bond enforcement agent, I thought, Cool, I'll get a better understanding of the business.

Well, I watched this show in pure amazement. These people are so, uhhh, sooooo, mmmmm. I don't know. I mean, obviously larger than life, otherwise they'd make for bad reality tv, right? Ok, here's an example. The dad is teaching his little son to ride a bike. I'm not sure how old the kid is, because the dad's not sure himself. He comments on how the kid doesn't want to be the only nine year old on the block that can't ride a bike. Then he says "Eight year old. Seven. However old ya are." So his nephew is helping, too. Well, I guess he's helping. He's there making comments. He tells the kid, "Get ya little pecker on the seat." :O Well, that's just rude. Luckily, Dad agress. Says dad, "That�s a nice thing to say to a kid. What the fuck�s wrong wit ya?" Oh, yeah, way to go dad!

So I guess Friday was just a repeat. It normally plays Sunday at 10:00. I know this because I watched the second episode tonight.

See? Told you I need help!

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