


2004-09-28, 5:25 p.m.

What a day. I�m getting ready to go on a major rant, so adjust your seatbelts.

My dad is getting scanned today to see if his tumor has shrunk, so I�m a little anxious today AND I didn�t sleep well last night. So I wake up at 5:20 even though my alarm is set for 6:00. I realize that I feel pretty awake, though, and contemplate getting up. Actually, I�m feeling good enough that I think maybe I�ll cook breakfast. It�s at this point that I realize I forgot to make a cake last night for one of our kids (at school, not at home). (We have a reward system in our class. It�s not that complicated to explain, I�m just not because I�m feeling pissy today. :P) So, crap!

5:30 this morning I�m making strawberry cake w/ vanilla icing and fresh strawberries on top. Now, you might say, �Forget the cake, the kid�ll get over it.� But these are emotionally disturbed teenagers, and they don�t always get over it. Sometimes the attention they receive from us is better than what they get at home. SOMETIMES they get more upset if we disappoint them than they do if someone at home does, because too many of them expect disappointment at home. And this guy is one of those that doesn�t have it so good at home. So I made the cake. (Actually, I got a lot done this morning, but I won�t go on about that, because I won�t be able to maintain my pissy attitude if I think of something positive.)

Ok, cake made, daughter cleaned, dressed and fed, I shove the shoes on my feet and rush out the door to take her to the bus stop. As I�m walking out the door I notice the passenger side window of my car is down just a little. Well, shit. We have a little thing called Tropical Storm Jeanne affecting our weather just a bit. Not a horrible amount, just enough that it totally pissed me off to see the window cracked. (My car is totally ghetto, I have it on high authority from someone who knows a ghetto car when they see one, but more about my car some other time. Word to the wise, though, exercise caution when buying a VW.)

Sorry, off my rant. Ok, when we left off I was pissed about the cracked window, but then I notice the other window. Yep, you guessed it. This dumb broad left the driver�s window down. All the way down. My car is now a swimming pool on wheels. No, swimming pools have clean, chlorinated water. My car is a swamp. It�s moist and it smells.

You know, I'm actually over my rant, lol. I've just had too exhausting a day to keep up the momentum of pissiness. I think I have to blame Poolagirl for it. Her post was so nice it's made me feel right mellow :)!

So, suffice it to say the day sucked. Dad's scan, the early start, the emergency cake baking, THE STUPID CAR, and the kids at school who were all set to psycho mode today. And, just for icing on the cake, I forgot to put socks on this morning. (Don't ask.) Anyways, I'm glad to be home locked up in my room where I hear nothing but the click-clacking of keyboard keys.

Before I go I guess I should mention that the kid I made the cake for told me no one's ever made him a strawberry cake with fresh strawberries on it before. Sigh. Guess the day wasn't so bad after all.

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