


Lunch and bitches
2004-10-13, 7:23 p.m.

My sister ate lunch with her son yesterday. He�s in kindergarten. When they were standing in line to get lunch, the little boy in front of her kept turning around and staring. So my sister (Val) says, �I�m in third grade.� The little boy (LB) just stared at her.

Val: I had a growth spurt this summer.
LB: Wow.
LB then turns to this other little boy (OLB) in front of him and whispers, in awe, �She�s in third grade.� But he stresses the THIRD GRADE as if it�s the greatest thing going.
OLB turns to my sister: �You are NOT in third grade.�
Val: Yes I am.
OLB: No, you�re not.
Val: How old do you think I am?
OLB stares for a second. Then, �You�re at least 8.�
Val: I�m 9.
OLB: I KNEW it!!

Sometimes I miss working with the little guys. Take, for instance, what happened today. One of the girls in our program got into a little trouble. Now, these are emotionally disturbed kids, right, so sometimes when they get into trouble and they should be keeping their big mouths shut, they end up mouthing off instead. This girl, as I�m trying to calm her down and keep her from getting into even more trouble, calls me a stupid bitch. Can you imagine doing this in high school? To an adult? Sheesh. And I actually LIKE this girl. See how well I helped her, tee hee.

She called an administrator a bitch, a male teacher a fucking bitch, and me a stupid bitch. So what do you do when that happens? Well, the bitch suspended her for a few days. The fucking bitch let it slide, since he�s her case manager and he didn�t want to add to her troubles because then he�d have to deal with it. As for me, I said, �Bitch I can handle, but I object to stupid.�

Man I love my job!

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