


It's my 50th entry!!
2004-10-23, 9:03 p.m.

First, I just want to thank everyone for their nice notes for me yesterday. I'm feeling better. They didn't charge the girl with possession, so she'll be suspended for 5 days, and then go through mandatory drug testing. It's possibly the best thing that could have happened to her.

Now, since it's my 50th post, I've complied 50 things about me. I know a lot of people do this at 100, but there's no way I could come up with 50 MORE things! (I've possibly mentioned a couple of these before, so just ignore what ya know.)

50 things

1. I cut my nephew�s umbilical cord.

2. Music groups I listen to but don�t admit to listening to: Culture Club, Kid Rock and Barry Manilow.

3. I have 2 sisters, 1 half-sister, 1 step-sister, and 2 step-brothers.

4. Jobs I�ve held: Movie ticket seller, gas station manager, assistant apartment manager, dispatcher for heating/air conditioning company, office manager for Firestone, customer service rep at a cable company, a permanent substitute, and a kindergarten para-pro. I currently work with emotionally disturbed high school students at the same high school I graduated from 18 years ago.

5. I love softball. As a teen I played for a traveling tournament team. We�d spend the summer playing ball. It doesn�t get much better than that. I played until I was 16 - that�s when, unfortunately, I discovered smoking, drinking and partying.

6. I picked it back up (uh, softball) in my early 20's. THAT�S when I discovered co-ed. We�d play ball, THEN party. And there were guys! I love me a man in a baseball uniform!

7. Oddly enough, my husband doesn�t play at all. Hmmm, that explains a lot.

8. My daughter weighed 9 lbs, 7 oz and was 22 inches long at birth.

9. For as long as I can remember, my favorite number has been 29. I�m not sure why.

10. My daughter was born Dec. 29th.

11. I love reality tv shows. I would love to go on Survivor, except I would be terrible at it. I couldn�t go that long without eating, and I couldn�t lie and be deceitful to someone right to their face. Yes, not even for a million dollars. Besides, I�m a terrible liar. My face turns all red and splotchy. So even if I wanted to lie, I couldn�t.

12. Oh, this is a dark, dirty secret. I�m not sure I want to admit this. Deep breath. Ok, here goes. I LOVE David Spade. *ducking and raising my arms to avoid flying objects*

13. I wrote a fan letter to Shaun Cassidy.

14. When she was 8, my sister wrote a fan letter to George Burns. (Ok, that�s not me, but it�s interesting, doncha think?)

15. My favorite Monkee was Mike Nesmith. I don�t know, don�t ask.

16. When I was 19 I fell asleep on my way home from babysitting. I went in a ditch, hit a culvert pipe, and then smashed into a telephone pole. I knocked the power out in three homes. (It was a pretty rural area, obviously.)

17. When I received a summary of charges from the power company it included a $75 charge from Golden Corral to feed the crew that put the pole back up!

18. I had a bruise everywhere the seatbelt covered, a small cut on my knee where it hit the steering wheel, busting it (hard knees), and a seriously sore back.

19. When I saw my truck two days later I burst into tears. It was much worse than I realized. My guardian angel was most definitely riding shotgun on that trip.

20. I didn�t miss a day of work following the accident. (What a dumbass I am!)

21. I once saved the world from mass destruction.

22. Oh wait, that wasn�t me. Sorry.

23. Coconut is my favorite flavor. I absolutely love coconut. I CRAVE coconut.

24. Surprise! My favorite alcoholic beverage is anything with Parrot Bay or Malibu. (For the non-imbibers - both are coconut-flavored rum.)

25. Having said that, I seldom drink, and honestly couldn�t tell you the last time I did.

26. I come from a long line of alcoholics. I had a HUGE drinking problem after high school. I finally got it together eight years later when I found out I was pregnant. I had absolutely no problem walking away from it which you would find amazing if you knew exactly how much I used to drink.

27. I quit a 15 year smoking habit cold turkey 5 years ago. Well, 5 years, 4 months, 21 days, 7 hours and about 45 minutes, give or take a second. ;)

28. I still miss smoking.

29. I have a panda tattoo on my shoulder.

30. I bought the Magic Bullet after watching the infomercial.

31. So did my dad.

32. I love my Magic Bullet. It�s awesome. It makes great coconut flavored slushy drinks.

33. I still play video games. I mostly like the nice kid-friendly games, like Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon, but every once in awhile I break out the Resident Evil and bust a cap in some zombie ass.

34. When my daughter was little she had an imaginary vampire.

35. When I was 9 my uncle taught me how to hotwire a car.

36. I don�t remember how to hotwire anymore.

37. I love theme parks. I love rides. I LOVE roller coasters. My all-time favorite so far is Apollo�s Chariot at Busch Gardens (Williamsburg). It would be my favorite even if it wasn�t the ride where Fabio got hit in the kisser by a duck.

38. The first concert I went to was Dr. Hook and Shaun Cassidy. :O

39. After Dr. Hook/Shaun Cassidy, I traded up to much more ass-kicking shows, such as Aerosmith, Ted Nugent, Ozzy and Metallica. I have since slipped back into teen frenzy, as the last concert I went to was, gag, Aaron Carter. It was truly the biggest sacrifice I�ve ever made for my child.

40. My death row last meal would be fried chicken, french fries, Breyer�s (and only Breyer�s) mint chocolate chip ice cream, an Almond Joy and Dr. Pepper. And Twizzlers. I don�t think I�d want to die without having one last Twizzler. And maybe a brownie. (Hey, I�m getting ready to die, give me a break.)

41. I just recently found out my parents (mom and step-dad) are millionaires. I know it seems stupid not to know this, but I didn�t. I mean, I knew their business was doing well, but duh-hamn!

42. I think I�m addicted to Dr. Pepper. Seriously. I quit drinking and smoking, but I cannot quit drinking Dr. Pepper. I couldn�t even quit when I was pregnant. I think that explains a lot about my daughter! :)

43. I dress up every year for Halloween. What can I say, I�m a big dork. I love it.

44. I have a burning desire to learn how to surf, overpowered only by the bigger desire of not making an ass of myself.

45. I am seriously considering leaving my husband of 10 years.

46. I make up words out of license plates. It�s a compulsion, I can�t NOT do it. For instance, if the license plate in front of me says CRL-232, I don�t see CRL. I see CuRL, ContRoL, seCRetLy, etc.

47. If I could have dinner with any two entertainers, I would pick Ellen Degeneres and Wanda Sykes. I would most likely have to wear Depends, and eating would become a hazard, I�m sure.

48. I met up with two women I met through Janet Evanovich�s web site. One is Treesssa, from Illinois, and the other is Leslie, from Canada. We met in Tennessee. My husband had just lost his job and we were moving, beaten and broke, from Georgia back home to Virginia. It happened at one of the worst times of my life and yet I count that as some of the best days I�ve ever had.

49. Aside from the effect it would have on my daughter, I�m not afraid to die. I think it�s because I believe there�s more coming and God�s got my back! ;)

50. It continually boggles my mind that people actually read my babblings!

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