


I'm sorry - I had to. It's just been so long since I've done it.
2004-11-16, 8:43 p.m.

Limericked, you sillies. Get your mind out of the gutter.

A Diaryland Limerick

I�ve been led to this place, Diaryland
Where I joined quite a loquacious clan
I�ll wax poetic, or rant,
But I�ll never recant,
Cuz it�s MY life, (though it's not like I planned).

So to continue the saga of Steph,
I sometimes daydream I am deaf,
No more, �MOM! I need help!�
Or, �Damn dog!� and then, �YELP!�
I should go visit the new casa de Beth

Then on to Treesssa , who�ll smile,
Then bitch with me �bout men for awhile.
We�ll head north and see Blue ,
�Cause she�ll know what to do.
We�ll show Canada we can bewitch and beguile.

Then I can visit Cindy a tad.
(Did you know she lives right by my dad?)
Or I�ll walk through the door
Of Nancy�s fine store.
Then meet Art , that rakish cad.

And while I�m on this whirl
I need to meet XNAVYGRRL
But Dangerspouse , I think not
New Wifey (tm) might get hot
And beat on me until I hurl.

Amber , I shall visit, too.
I go with her and Bas to the zoo.
Then Fuzzmom I �ll seek,
(She�s a self-proclaimed geek)
Oh the ridorkulous things we could do.

Ahh, Miss Poola I MUST go to see,
Where it�ll be a pirate�s life for me!
And last, but not least
I�ll see the gassy beast
Who lives w/ Ms. BIODT .

(I know there�s an L on the end,
I couldn�t really fit it in.
Sorry, I swear,
We all know it�s there,
Can I still be your online friend?)

Well I think I�ve limericked enough
By now you must be sick of this stuff.
Just be glad I don�t do
Those silly haiku
Now THAT would really be rough.

Now my daughter�s bedtime is near,
And the hubs just popped open a beer.
I�ll go deal with those two,
But this message is for you ~
Ya�ll come back now, ya hear?

last - next

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