


2004-11-15, 11:01 p.m.

Ok, courtesy of Art , I have learned several things. First, check out this:

You are 47% Capricorn

Got that? Ok, now look at this:

You are 73% Pisces

Ok. The big issue here is that I'm Capricorn. But I'm not. See? I should have been a Pisces. Now it all makes sense. You following me? No? Me either. Sigh. But then you throw in this, and it starts to come together:

Lucy Ricardo

What classic sitcom character are you?
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Ok, I'm off to quadruple my efforts to find an apartment. I swear, folks, I don't know if I'm going to make it to Jan/Feb, which is when we're talking about making the big split. He spent yesterday helping a friend move, which translates to he came home drunk. Amanda was having a really hard time sleeping, so she was still awake when he got home around 9:30. And she was STILL awake when he went to bed around 10:00.

He goes into her room and tells her the music is too loud. (It wasn't.) He's really jerky about it, too. So, being overtired, not able to sleep and just yelled at by her dad, she started crying. So, of course, he starts bitching about her crying, and hollers at her to go to sleep, because everyone knows the best way to get an overtired, emotional child to sleep is to YELL at them, right? I was downstairs, but I overheard the whole thing. Next thing I know, her music is BLASTING and he yells over it, "Can you hear it NOW?" Then he slams her door and goes into our room.

Well, that was it. I go upstairs, open our door and - well, I didn't exactly YELL, but I wasn't exactly quiet, either - "Way to be the ADULT here!" I go into Amanda's room to turn the music down and he yells from the bedroom, "Well, she has a hearing problem, evidently. I just wanted to help her with her hearing problem." I lean my head in the room, and totally quiet, so the girl can't hear it, I say, "Stop. Being. An ASSHOLE." He says back, loud enough FOR the girl to hear, "Well, I wouldn't be like that if she didn't make me."

ARRRRGGHHH! I go in her room and ask her who is responsible for making her mad. She says, "I am." I say, "That's right. Who's responsible for ME being mad?" She says, "You are." Me, "Good girl. Now who is responsible for making Daddy mad?" Manda, "Daddy is." Me, "That's right. No one can MAKE you mad. That one's on each person, right?" "Right, mom."

I mean, if a nine-year old gets it, shouldn't a 37-year old? I think so. I'm all about personal accountability. Alright, didn't mean to go on the rant, but seriously, it's not my fault. I'm horoscopically challenged, AND I'm channelling Lucy. What did you expect?

And, oh geez, I can't believe I almost forgot this. My pearl party, oh ye scoffers? I had over $1,000 in sales, so I am by far not the biggest sucker I know. I got a free pearl, a free ring to set it in, and $103 in free merchandise. I got a killer bracelet. Plus, I got a free pair of angel pearl earrings for having 10 paying guests. Can you say step-mom Christmas present? Suh-weet!

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