


Decisions, decisions
2004-12-06, 8:58 p.m.

Well, I�m a little disappointed with the techno-nerds, because none of them have answered my plea for help with my printer. It�s still printing fine from anything that�s not internet related. Eight people have viewed my plight, but no help so far. I�ve tried everything my limited knowledge will allow. I must get it fixed, now more than ever. Sure, it would be nice to actually do my work-at-home work at, well, home. But the most important reason to get it working is that I am absolutely, totally, 100% in love with this new printer. It�s so fast! I�m not giving it up. Sorry mom, you can bill me. It�s mine. I�m not sure the techno-nerds understand the urgency here. Another thing? I�m not totally convinced these guys are truly nerds. I mean, I asked this question on Sat., and still no answer. Wouldn�t a TRUE nerd be constantly monitoring the web site, anxiously awaiting a post from some technically challenged idiot they could berate and then awe with their genious? These guys have WAY too much of a life to be true nerds. I�m contesting their legitimacy.

In other news, I�ve become obsessed lately with how I�m going to support me & the girl after we move. I�ve got a pro/con list going.

Staying with current job:

**I love it.
**Great benefits, including medical & dental.
**10 sick days a year, plus 3 personal days. This time rolls over. For instance,
I have 16 � sick days and 3 personal days for this year. If I don�t take any more
time off, the personal days roll over to sick days for next year. So I�d start the
year with 29 � sick days. Plus all those holidays. Yay for me!
** I have absolutely no problem taking time off for my child. I have been able
to go to her class parties, parent-teacher conferences, programs, etc. without
receiving a word of grief from anyone. This hasn�t always been the case in
other jobs, and very likely won�t be the case if I take a new job.
**Same holidays off as my child, so I don�t have to scramble for childcare.
**The SUMMER off, which means I don�t pay childcare.
**OR - with the summer off, I could get a job to supplement my current income.
**The hours are great. No weekends, and I�m off at 3:45 every day. This
will come in handy if I take night classes.
**Speaking of classes - the school partially reimburses me for classes I take.
**I work with the most excellent group of people. They�re truly great people.
**I have no college credits at all. This sucks, and is the biggest reason for my present
situation. This will grossly affect any future jobs I try to get.
**I�m really no longer qualified for any other job. I�ve been out of the office pool
for so long that any programs I once knew are now obsolete. An employer may
not want to take a chance on someone who hasn�t done clerical work in, oh, 9 years or so.
(Yes, the last two really are reasons to stay with my current job!)
**I love it.

**It just doesn�t pay enough. I make several thousand less than HALF
the income of a first year teacher. Ouch. Damn my non-college-going butt!
**Ok, that�s really the only reason. :D I think it�s pretty clear what I need to do, huh? (No, I'm NOT going to kill my husband for the insurance money!)

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