


My Life, the Sequel
2005-02-07, 10:20 p.m.

So......... I've been trying for days to attempt the daunting task of updating my last couple months WAC (without a computer). It's only been two months physically, but emotionally and mentally it's felt like years. Ya know? So much has happened I can't even begin to know where to start. So maybe I won't. :D

I guess I'll just start fresh with what happens from now on. Who cares what's happened, really. I'll just do a quick recap, how's that? The girl & I are in our new place. It's a duplex. We love it. We're blissfully happy. We have music and laughter and good mornings and movie nights and game time. We have a fairly strict no smoking policy :D. The only anger is from our psychotic bird, but that's a story for another time. We had to give up Diesel, which has been tremendously hard, but we still have Mazzy, queen of the kidney stones. And Fubu, hamster of the Funky Butt.

I still love my job, Amanda still hates school, and our psychotic bird hates everyone. My no-a/c, no-heat, broken-window, swamp-smelling VW Beetle is gone, and in it's place is a '99 Ford Escort SX2. It's cute. We love it. I've been told by several of my students that my rims are "tight", which I'm assured is a good thing, and has nothing to do with the wheels falling off.

My sister has decided that even though I've only been geographically separated from my husband for 5 weeks, I've been emotionally, mentally and physically separated for months, so she wants to start fixing me up. I told her thanks, but no thanks. I'm in no hurry. She does have a guy in mind, though, and she wanted me to casually check him out, to see if she can plot. I guess she'll put him on layaway or something. She said every time she's around him she learns one more thing that makes her think of me, my life, my situation, etc. He sounds really interesting. He used to be a wild-man. I mean crazy wild. The whole sex, drugs and rock-n-roll kind of wild. He's totally clean and sober now, addicted only to Dr. Pepper, which happens to be my drug of choice. He broke up with his last girlfriend because she was unwilling (or unable) to give up the party life. Hey, sounds familiar, right? He works with my brother-in-law during the day, which is some kind of construction/carpentry thing. Or something. (Hey, I never said I was a great sis-in-law, ok?) He works a lot. Evidently as much as he can. His night-time gig is as a sound guy or something for up & coming bands. He owns the sound equipment and bands hire him. Or something. Sounds like a blast. Then I find out his mom is dying of cancer, which makes my heart go out to him. Being an awesome son, he BUYS his mom a house, so she'll be as comfortable as possible. And not have to worry about paying rent. What a son. What a big heart this guy has.

So, hell yeah I went for the look-see. And, well, hmmmmmm. I really don't even know where to start. First, he's a big guy. Not so much in height, but big. Like a tank. Like a freakin' freight train or something. Stocky, to say the least. Now, I can't say exactly how big he is, because I'm not sure if the tattoos that totally cover his arms add to or detract from his size. I'm not sure what exactly his face looks like either, because my eyes went from the King Tut-like goatee to the tattoos on his bald head. Wow. I was speechless. Luckily, I only had to see him on the walk past the table where he was playing cards to the garage, where my nephew was showing me his new dirt bike thing. I muttered hi. Or something. My sister told me later she didn't tell me what he looked like because she didn't want to scare me off. This is the guy she says is perfect for me. Hmmmm.

So, that's how my new life is going. My rent is paid for a year. My car is paid for. Things are going great. Now I just need a part-time job for income supplementing and I'll be totally peachy.

Oh, just so you all know, I would totally hang out with Tank if he asked. Any guy that treats his mom that way can't be all bad, right? No, seriously, right??

P.S. I'm sloooooowly trying to catch up on everyone's diary. It would be nice to have the Reader's Digest condensed version of everyone's life, but I'm thinking that's not going to happen. If I missed any juicy gossip, please email me immediately. :D And Treesssa? What the hell is the deal w/ your diary? It told me I'm not authorized. I said "authorize THIS" and gave it a thumb's up (ooops, that wasn't my thumb) but it still wouldn't let me in. WTF?

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