


Does the tooth fairy have a checking account?
2005-02-09, 9:04 p.m.

So Amanda lost a tooth tonight. Just my luck - my ten year old still believes in the tooth fairy. Unfortunately, the tooth fairy spent all the cash she had at IHOP tonight. Not good. My first thought was that all of life's illusions have to be shattered at one time or another, so I might as well break it to her gently myself. Most likely, she'll get to school tomorrow talking about the tooth fairy and some young punk will laugh and call her a baby, so I'm actually doing her a favor, right? Nah. Innocence is too short-lived. And if I rat out the tooth fairy, then I'll have to out the Easter bunny, the pesky St. Patrick's leprechaun, and the man himself, Santa. And I love that pesky leprechaun waaaay too much to blow it now. I haven't decided exactly what to do, but I'm thinking maybe the tooth fairy will have to leave a coupon. Or an IOU, ha ha. Maybe I can throw her tooth under the bed and leave a note that t.f. KNEW there was a tooth, she just couldn't find it. Or I can throw it in the living room (it's in a plastic bag) and blame it on the dog. I actually think she'll buy that, since it's something Diesel would do, and Mazzy has taken on some of Diesel's characteristics.

Speaking of the Dezster, Amanda and I were taking pictures of ourselves with her favorite present ever, Nathan. Nathan's a doll. A very realistic looking doll.

I know, I seem a little psycho-looking. Most of my pictures come out like that. Weird. Anyways, see how real Nathan looks? Freaky.

Ok, so after we take the pictures (multiple, because I get to delete the ones I hate the most, and she gets to keep the ones she likes the best) we, of course, go to look at them. She's laughing and I'm trying hard not to give in and delete them all. We're flipping through when all of a sudden we come to this:

It's what turned out to be the last picture we took of Diesel. It shut both of us up quick. On one level I realize it's kind of silly to get choked up. We only had him for a year and a half. That's actually the shortest length of time I've ever had a dog. And he is so well off where he is. A co-worker of Alan's took him. I was a little leary at first, because she has two other dogs. Diesel needs A LOT of attention. But it turns out she can't have kids, so she says her dogs are her kids. The other two dogs are females, so Diesel's her son. Her son - that's what she calls him. Her husband is crazy about him to. The first few weeks she had him she called Alan every day with an update and thanked him five or six times over the course of the conversation. She took him to Petsmart and let him pick out toys, for Pete's sake! She lets him sleep with her. She spoils the snot out of him. Sounds like he has it way better with her anyways. But, dang it, that dog got to me like no other. So, yeah, it was hard seeing him, especially so unexpectedly like we did. Sigh.

Ok, enough of that. Now I need something. I'm getting a (very) little tax return, and I'm getting some insurance money from a policy we cancelled. So I have a little extra money that I'm going to spend on a trip for me & Amanda. It's not much, maybe $700. Which, once you add in airfare & hotel, really is less than not much. So I need an idea on where to go. I've had friends suggest New York, which kind of scares me :), and Boston, which kind of interests me. I'd like to go somewhere where I don't really have to rent a car. I'm not good with directions in my own town, so I really don't want to do it in someone elses. Any ideas? We've never really been anywhere to speak of. I just know I don't want to do a theme park. This will probably be the only chance I get to do something like this, so I want her to remember it. I'm considering the Grand Canyon. Maybe. Or San Francisco. Maybe Niagara Falls? Dang it all, I don't know. See how I am? Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to find me a vacation destination. Anyone??

LMAO!! I just checked to make sure that my entry posted and I saw that you can't see Nathan at all. You'll just have to take my word for it, I guess.

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