


Really too tired to be doing this
2005-02-14, 11:35 p.m.

I know I said I was going to finish my complete update, but it occurred to me that as eventful as my Dec. was, my Jan. was not so eventful. Just lots of unpacking, my birthday and more unpacking. That's it. That's really all I did. And I unpacked.

I guess there were a few other things. I went to my first hockey game as an adult. That was a blast. I know nothing about the game, but I learned hockey terminology. Like, "YOU SUCK!!" and "KICK HIS ASS!" And hockey fans are so drunk and obnoxious - they're great. If there's ever a slow moment, you can get things going again just by saying someone sucks. The opposing team, the ref, Bob's mother. It's great. I went again last weekend with my sisters. The first time we went, we took the kids. This time we didn't. We found we got a little too into it to have the kids there. There were so many fights and we're standing up and hollering with the rest of the crowd when all of a sudden we hear my 5-yr old nephew yell, "Stop fighting!!" Oh, yeah, crap. That's right. We're supposed to be teaching them that stuff, aren't we? So this past weekend, no kids, a fight breaks out. "KICK HIS ASS!!" It's a great way to yell and get out frustration without fear of retaliation. I felt so New Yorkish.

Oh, I'm supposed to be updating. Well, it's almost midnight and I have to be up way too soon. I've been up too late the last week trying to find a place for Amanda & I to go on spring break. I still have no clue. I'm thinking maybe Charleston, S.C. It's loaded with ghost tours. Scary. And (Poola, ya listenin'?) a Pirates of Charleston tour. Sounds like fun. Then again, we could just head to Florida and hang out on the beach for a few days. I'm still open to suggestions. You guys are not really doing a great job helping me out on that.

Ok, 'nuff said. So, Happy Valentine's Day and all that jazz!

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