


2005-08-16, 12:22 p.m.

I don't have a big yard, but still I cut the grass in shifts. Mainly because I go so long in between lawnmowings that the grass is too long to cut as low as I'd like to. So I make one pass w/ the mower at a higher setting, then I lower the wheels and go again.

The problem is, it's been so stinking hot that sometimes I get one pass done and decide to save the next pass for the next day. Then it will rain, my yard will flood, and by the time its dry enough to cut, it's 5 inches high. And so it all starts over. - OR - I'll get the front & side yard cut and save the back for the next day, and then it will rain, and so on.....

Since I'm in a duplex, I share a front yard w/ the neighbors. Usually we take turns cutting the front yard, but I've been doing it all summer since I'm home. Yesterday I cut the front yard (two shifts) and my front-side yard (does that make sense?) It was flippin' hot, so that was enough for one day. I go in & take a shower. About a half hour later I hear a lawn mower start up. I look out the window and who is in my backyard but hottie neighbor. With cut off jeans. And no shirt. Gulp. I considered trying to take a picture to share with you all :D, but I would have been horrified to get caught. Suffice it to say, it was quite a view.

Unfortunately, my grass is so long in the back that his lawnmower keep bogging out. I'd hear it restart, run for a few seconds, then cut out again. Yeah, that wasn't embarrassing at all. After 4 or 5 times it just seemed so completely funny that I alternated between the humiliation of it all, and the comedy. In the end, the comedy won out and I got caught up in a giggling fit. Eventually he gave up on the backyard and just did the side-side yard. (Make sense?) I finished up the back earlier.

So........ speaking of hottie firemen, my sister (the warthog) figures she has solved the issue of my inability to speak coherently in front of firemen. She gave me a present. Want to see it?

It's a little too snug, but I went back on a diet yesterday, so maybe the shirt will give incentive. Isn't my sister the best?

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