


Just had to share real quick...
2005-08-20, 10:59 a.m.

By the way, thanks for all the love life advice. I'm saved for a little bit, because Bob had to go out of town.

Also, reese, thanks for the shout out. :) I don't remember how to link to your diary, but I'll hit my archives so I can be semi-techno-savvy again.

Ok, so much for the quick story, huh? I don't know if there are any serious baseball fans out there, but a local kid here, Justin Upton, was this year's number one MLB draft pick. At age 17. The Arizona Diamondbacks drafted him. Pretty cool. He probably got something like a $5 million signing bonus, so he's already worth well more than I'll make in my entire life.

Ok, so I'm at 7-11 yesterday buying Slurpees (yum, banana....) and I'm thinking the kid in front of me looks familiar. Yep, it's Justin Upton, right in line in front of me, pre-paying for gas. Another line opens, so I get to go there and pay for my slurpees. As it is, we end up leaving right behind Justin. Who smiles at us, and holds the door.

Now, maybe I'm making too much of this, but I work with teenagers. I know what self-centered creatures they are. I thought it was great that this kid, who most likely has an incredible future ahead of him, held the door for me & my rugrat.

As we're walking to the car, I told my girl who just held the door for us. Her eyes got real big, and her mouth dropped open. (She's my kid, and I love baseball - she knew the name.) She looked over to where he's pumping his gas (uh, into his Escalade :D) & started waving. Excitedly. You know those 10-year-old excited waves, where it looks kind of like they're trying to land a plane? One of those. So there wasn't too much chance of him missing it. He smiled again & waved back. I'm sorry, maybe I'm a twit. But I think it's cool. I hope he stays grounded.

BREAKING NEWS - Can anybody please tell me how to change my email on this thing? If you click on my email link, it sends email to a very old (now defunct) email address. (Thanks, BIODTL for pointing this out.) I went to 'change your email settings' and changed my email. I got an email that said it had been changed. But it hasn't changed. Ahhhhhhh!! So much for being semi-techno-savvy. MORE BREAKING NEWS: Never mind, I'm a dunderhead. I got it. My email link now works. Sheesh.

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