


The Mazzy saga continues.....
2004-09-30, 10:02 p.m.

We-ell, I got the estimate on my dog�s surgery.


I�m speechless. (My husband would be so happy.) The actual surgery is $311.50. I think I could deal with that. Anesthesia, anesthetic induction and anesthetic monitoring comes to $201. The rest is fluids, catheterization, supplies and analysis. Dang. I really don�t know what to do.

I really, REALLY don�t have the money. And I don�t mean I don�t have the money like, Hmmm, that�s too much, I�m not going to blow that kind of money. I mean I don�t have that kind of money like my child needs to eat, I need electricity, I don�t have that kind of money. Dang.

I told the vet I didn�t have that kind of money. She said, �Well, it HAS to be done.� I really felt like saying, �I agree, you pay for it.� I had already explained to them that my husband had been out of work for 8 months. Now granted, that was two years ago, lol, but we just did get caught up. And I mean JUST. Three weeks ago I got the last of our past due accounts up to date. Then this happens. This sucks.

The vet suggested some company that loans you the money and then you pay them back. With interest, of course. The problem with that is you have to be APPROVED for the credit and, uh, that whole out of work thing kind of killed any chance of any approval for anything.

I really don�t want Mazzy to suffer, but I don�t think this vet believes in putting a fixable dog to sleep, which is my husband�s solution to the problem. I have this mental picture of suggesting putting Mazzy to sleep to the vet. The vet grows to roughly the size of the Hulk. She sprouts horns, fangs and a tail. Steam comes out of her ears. �YOU WANT TO DO WHAT???� the beast-vet shouts. Then she puts me to sleep.

OR - she has me thrown in jail for not providing my pet w/ needed medical care. Couldn�t you just see that? I�d be on Hard Copy. �Tonight��. A Virginia woman is arrested for failing to provide adequate medical treatment for her poor neglected dog.� Cut to the vet, holding my pathetic, unfortunate looking pup. �Can you believe it? She wanted to put this totally fixable pooch to sleep. To SLEEP, I say!� Zoom in on Mazzy�s fuzzy face, nostrils quivering, little tears in her big doggy eyes. All across America people are outraged. They surround my house. They throw puppy chow at me. My other dog Diesel is giving an interview, saying how he knew we were no good when we wouldn�t spring for the heated dog house. PETA, which luckily for me is headquartered about 20 minutes away, sets up camp in my front yard. Naomi Campbell shows up naked, telling me she�d rather go naked than not pay for puppy surgery. Ok, maybe that�s a LITTLE extreme. But I did read in the paper once about this man that had to go to court for failing to innoculate his dog. I don�t think PETA or Hard Copy showed up, though.

I need a good doggy samaritan. My friend believes they exist and that they can be found on the internet. She�s on a mission to save my dog. I hope she succeeds.

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