


Seriously mindless ramblings
2004-10-05, 9:54 p.m.

Now that I have this bigger template (all hail TREESSSA ), I've found all the pictures I have saved that are small enough to put on here without being annoying. (Well, except the Mazzy pic, of course, I had to do that one.) So here's a (3-4 year old) picture of me and my girl.

Ok, so I have nothing intelligent to say today. I'm mainly just rambling. Hey, have you ever noticed on Fear Factor how the people will lose and on their walk of shame they almost all say, "I've learned so much about myself. I mean, even though I didn't win today, I'm still walking out of here a winner." Uhhhhhh actually, you're not. You lost. That would make you the loser.

Ok, so anyways, I'm watching the Yankees/Twins game. I was watching the VP debates, but I had to stop. I hate to say this, because you'll think I'm a bigger loser than the Fear Factor non-winners, but I could no longer watch John Edwards' faces. It was killing me. I have this thing about over-zealous facial manipulations. It's the very reason I can't watch any movie with Patrick Swayze in it. It's the faces. THE FACES!!! AAAHHHHH. Seriously, I couldn't concentrate on whoever was talking if John Edwards was on the screen, because he was making some hilatious faces. (hilatious faces, ha ha. Sorry, sometimes I amuse myself.) Also, Cheney kinda looks like my father-in-law, so that is also distracting. So I can't figure out if I'm a bad American for turning off the
debate, or a good American for watching baseball. Hmmmmm. Maybe if I watch baseball and eat apple pie. Oh, wait, I'm a bad American then, I hate apple pie.

It's weird watching the Twins play. A guy that graduated from the high school I work at plays for the Twins. He subbed at the school some last year. That's so funny to me. A first round pick, making 300,000+ a year substituting at a high school in his off time. I guess it's that whole giving back to the community thing. Kids at home watching - "Hey, that's my substitute up there!! Weird!" Ouch, especially since he just struck out. Ooops. No, seriously, I think it's pretty cool. I would have freaked out if a baseball player substituted when I was in school. Especially since my teenage life ambition was to marry a baseball player. That was, of course, if my long-distance truck driver job didn't pay off. (Damn that BJ & the Bear anyways!)

Hey, this girl in the hall today told another girl she was having a puppy. I sure the hell hope she meant she was GETTING a puppy. I hear some of the craziest stuff in the hallways. Teenagers are so self-absorbed they don't even realize you're around. It makes me sad that today's teens are so worldly and non-naive. And they all say "fuck" like it's nothing. They use it as a verb, a noun, an adverb and an adjective, though, so I guess I should be happy with the variety of their word usage, or something like that.

Last year it snowed and I saw two girls at the big windows of the senior court with their mouths open, awing at the size of the snowflakes. One said, "Wow! They're so big, I can't get over it." And the other girl just nods, eyes wide in amazement. I was so thrilled with their child-like enjoyment until the first girl added, "Yeah, they're like, as big as Greg's balls!" :O

I have to go now. I'm going to figure out a way to keep my girl 9 forever. See ya!

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