


Apologizing in advance..
2004-10-07, 8:05 p.m.

I feel like my head is going to explode. There's just too much going on for me to deal with seeing as how I have short attention span syndrome (SASS). Which is why I have the whole sassy thing going, by the way. It's not that I'm this saucy chick or anything. I just used to blame everything on short attention span syndrome (especially my erratic IM'ing). But wait, you say, there is no such thing as short attention span syndrome. Well, I beg to differ. There is. You might have it, too. It's self-diagnosed, no doctor required. You can blame any lapse in judgement, forgotten task or misplaced item on it. Isn't that a great syndrome?

So why the stress, you ask? (My, you're an inquisitive lot today.) Well, things on the job are picking up, because SOL testing is right around the corner. The entire scheduling of the special ed dept is up to the teacher I work with and me. Argh. (If you're not familiar with SOL tests, be thankful. I have absolutely no use for them. We all got through high school without them and look at us.)

My dad is going back to Pittsburgh next month. Even though his scan is showing him cancer-free, they'd like him to do one last set of treatment. This isn't really causing ME stress, but I know how hard these treatments are on him. Poor pops.

Homecoming is next Friday. The club I sponsor at school is going to have a float in the half-time parade. The only problem is, we don't actually get the trailer for the float until Saturday. Which then only gives us one weekend and four days to get our float together. Ack. Our float is going to be Survivor themed. Not that it was my idea, or anything. Maybe I can get a picture. If we actually get it together, that is, snarf.

My dog is no longer a stress, because she's like a new little doggy. The payments to the vet are a little stressing, since there's a hundred bucks extra coming out of my next 6 paychecks. Which, by the way, takes me right up to Christmas. But you do what you think is right, ya know, and that felt right.

My car is causing me stress. I have a brand new, ha ha, 1998 VW Beetle. Over the last few months, every time I turn around something else on that car is breaking. It started with the speedometer. At speeds over 60, which I seldom see, of course ;), the needle just starts bobbing between 60 and 70. So you don't actually know how fast you're going. Next, the blower went. This happened just in time for summer. Nice. No air, because there's no freaking blower. Which means I'll have no heat and no defroster now that winter's on its way. Ok, so I dealt alright with no a/c. I've done it before. But then, wouldn't you know it, the passenger window broke. Not the glass, but something that moves it up and down. I rolled it down and it made a horrible noise. Then, because this is my luck, it started raining. I tried to roll it back up but it just made an even more horrible noise and refused to go anywhere. I drove to my cousin's house and her husband got it back up and wedged a square of cardboard in there so it wouldn't drop. Now on a normal car my husband could fix this, but its a freaking VW, so of course it can't be easy. You take the inside door panel off and all you see is metal. No electric window mechanism. Nice. Two weeks ago I went to lock my door and the whole little door lock thing just pushed right into the door frame. I actually just laughed. Who the hell cares at this point? Now my stereo is acting up. That's not even funny.

Alright, NEXT! My printer will print from word, but not from the internet. Crapola. Can't even think about this since I'm working part-time for my step-dad and I must, MUST be able to print from the internet. I'm three days behind on work. Sheesh.

Ok, the last thing causing me stress involves my sister, my niece and my nephew, and I'm not ready to go into to it. But it's stressing me, 'k?

So, sorry 'bout the long rant. But my head doesn't feel like it's going to explode anymore!!

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