


Another PSA and cover tunes
2004-11-04, 6:47 p.m.

Public Service Announcement: On the news this morning I heard that 911 phone lines had gone down in several counties in North Carolina. Now, that doesn't affect me, but it made me think. (Always a scary thing.) What number would I call if 911 didn't work? And ya know what? I haven't a clue. So today's assignment is to learn an alternate emergency number in case 911 goes down in your area and you need to call for help. Ok, that's it for that.

I heard a remake of Supertramp's "Give a Little Bit" today. Now, was it really necessary to remake that song? I like the Goo Goo Dolls. Really. Johnny Rzeznik has such a unique, sexy voice. But do we really need to revive Supertramp songs? Wasn't once enough?

That started me thinking about other cover tunes that really should never have been. Now, this is only my opinion. Sorry if you like the songs, but I gotta get this out, ok? So here's my list.

1. Drift Away, by Dobie Gray, remade by Uncle Kracker. Love, love, love the original. Have for as long as I can remember. When I was young I even horrified my mom by asking her if she would play it at my funeral. But Uncle Kracker has ruined it for me. This song was played 398 times a day when it first came out. I don't care that Dobie Gray was involved in the remake. He shouldn't have done it. Ack!

2. Staying Alive - the Bee Gees, remade by Ozzy Osborn and one of the Zappa boys, don't remember which one. Have you heard this? The first time I heard it I think I alternated between laughing and screaming. It's scary. And funny. And just wrong.

3. American Pie - Don McLean, remade by Madonna. 'Nuff said.

4. I Drove All Night, by Cyndi Lauper, remashed by Celine Dion. This might not be fair because, child o' the 80's that I am, I love Cyndi. As a teenager I wanted to BE Cyndi. I wanted to have funky hair, wear funky clothes and hang out with Capt. Lou. So I loves me some Cyndi. And I really. truly. completely. can't stand Celine. She has her own tunes to belt out and beat on her chest, why does she have to mess with my Cyndi's songs?

5. American Woman - the Guess Who, remade by Lenny Kravitz. Only Lenny Kravitz could take an annoying song and make it more repetitive than it was. Oy.

6. I'm a Believer - the Monkees, remade by Smashmouth. Smashmouth is alright by me. They have a different sound. They sing different songs. This is a good thing. Remaking old songs - bad thing. Sorry, I know it was really popular when Shrek came out, but it just made me cringe.

7. Landslide - Fleetwood Mac, butchered by Smashing Pumpkins. This song was just awful. That's really all I can say.

There's more. These just immediately come to mind. Besides, you know there's a cover tune you hate and you're dying to share with me, right??

Well? Let's hear it!

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