


Busy day
2004-12-10, 6:54 p.m.

Well, it was a pretty exciting day. Security came in first block to get one of my favorites (I think I've said that about all the kids, haven't I?). Turns out he may have been involved with a gun that was brought to school a few weeks ago. He was also not just high but super high today, so I'm sure that didn't go over too well. I said something about getting a contact buzz off the smell and the other kids looked at me wide-eyed like I'm not supposed to know what that is. Kids are funny. Sooooo, I'm not sure what's going on with him.

THEN, another kid in our program (but not in my class - this year anyways, he was last year)got in major trouble for telling a teacher he would slap one of the assistant principals. They gave him a 10 day suspension and may send him to an alternative school. Now, they just did the same thing to another kid in our program, but she actually elbowed the crap out of a teacher, so that's a little more understandable. This kid today (NOT one of my faves, by far) said he would slap an AP. I know they had to do SOMETHING, but I really think this is a little bit extreme. Just my opinion.

After that, I got my first pearl order, the one for the party I went to. My ring & Amanda's necklace - they are so pretty!! I might have to put a picture on here for ya.

Last, but most definitely not least, I signed my lease!! It's mine, until December 31, 2005 at least. I did find out that one of the kids that was in our program (but dropped out when he turned 18) lives, I THINK, right across the street. That's going to totally suck. He's trouble. He LIKES me, which is great, but I wouldn't trust him for anything. He's sneaky, and a thief. Uh, convicted thief, at that. I heard a rumor that he's been locked up, so maybe it's true. He has a terrible drug problem. His mom is awesome, and he just dumps all over her. It's very possible that she's kicked him out, also, since he turned 18. I wouldn't blame her a bit.

I'll also be living right around the corner from our little bi-polar girl. (I hate to keep calling her that, it's not like she's defined by her disorder, that's just the easiest way for me to let you know who I'm talking about. Maybe I'll just call her Cathy. Except I'll forget that, as it's nowhere near her name, lol.) Ok, so I told Cathy, snarf, I'd be living around the corner from her and she got so excited. She was talking so fast I didn't catch half of what she said, but she did mention painting Amanda's toenails, lmao! She's so cute. I told her I'd be posting Cathy (oops, I typed her real name at first) Visiting Hours.

I found out the neighbors are an engaged couple and their male roommate. That seems a little weird to me. The guys both have really good jobs, so I'm not sure why they have to all live together, but it's none of my business anyways. I don't prejudge. I'll wait til I meet them. I don't feel funny about it or anything. Maybe if there were just two guys, since I see every man as a potential predator where my daughter's concerned. The landlady said she never rents to singles, but that she felt really good about this group. They're young, early 20's. I think we'll get along fine.

Alright, that's enough for now. I've recovered a little from being freaked out. I'm still scared out of my wits about making more money, but I'm more excited now than scared. My sisters are so excited. They're getting together things for me to put in my new place. It's going to be an adventure!

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